1. Sleep disturbances- decreased or increased sleep, frequent awakenings, running stream of irrelevant thoughts all night, etc. 2. Complaint of : Anxiety, palpitation, or ghabrahat most of the time. 3. Feeling low/sad most of the time (with or without any reason), frequent crying, increased emotionality, etc. 4. Lack of energy, persistent fatigue even after rest or after little work. 5. SEIZURE- episodes of abnormal movements, or loss of consciousness, frothing from mouth, etc. 6. Talking without anyone around, self muttering or self smiling without apparent reasons, suspiciousness, violent behaviour, etc. 7. Repetitive acts of hand washing or any other activity. 8. Collection of symptoms: Talking big, reduced sleep, increased desire to spend money, increased anger, etc. 9. Hearing voices (human , animal, any instrument) when no one is around, OR. Seeing people not visible to others.

India needs to talk about mental health.

What is mental illness?
Mental illness is a disease that causes mild to severe disturbances in thoughts and/ or behaviour, resulting in an inability to cope with life’s ordinary demands.
Some common mental disorders are- depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictive behaviours.

Signs and Symptoms Illness - suggestive of mental / psychological Illness

  1. SLEEP DISTURBANCES decreased or increased sleep, frequent awakenings,running stream of irrelevant thoughts all night, etc.
  2. Complaint of Anxiety, palpitation, or ghabrahat most of the time.
  3. Feeling low/sad most of the time (with or without any reason), frequent crying, increased emotionality, etc.
  4. Lack of energy, persistent fatigue even after rest or after little work.
  5. SEIZURE episodes of abnormal movements, or loss of consciousness, frothing from mouth, etc.
  6. Talking without anyone around, self muttering or self smiling without apparent reasons, suspiciousness, violent behaviour, etc.
  7. Repetitive acts of hand washing or any other activity.
  1. Collection of symptoms: Talking big, reduced sleep, increased desire to spend money,increased anger, etc.
  2. Hearing voices(human , animal, any instrument) when no one is around, OR. Seeing people not visible to others.
  3. MEMORY frequent forgetfulness or other memory problems
  4. HEADACHES half head or full head headaches.
  5. DRUG ADDICTION alcohol, smack (opioids), cigarette, capsules, tablets, etc.
  6. CHILDHOOD PROBLEMS poor academic performance, poor development, behaviour problems, etc.

All of these can be due to psychiatric illness and can be treated successfully


Complete Eye Examination, Spectacle Chekup, Contact Lens Dispensing, Phaco (Laser) Operation For Cataract, With Foldable Lens (Indian & Imported), Diabetic Retino Pathy-Diagnosis & Management, Glaucoma Diagnosis & Management, With Foldable Lens (Indian & Imported), Diabetic Retino Pathy-Diagnosis & Management, Glaucoma Diagnosis & Management,


Diagnosis & management of various general medical conditions including ECG, Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Thyroid disorders, Vitamin deficiencies, conditions including, ECG, Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Thyroid disorders, Vitamin deficiencies, conditions including ECG, Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Thyroid disorders.


Stress related disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia/psychosis, Headaches, Epilepsy, Marital problems, Childhood disorders, memory problems, Sleep problems, Psychological testing- IQ; Rorschach; personality testing, etc. Therapies, Relaxation procedures- scientifically proven to help patients in various psychiatric disorders.

Gopal Clinic @ 2014.All Rights Reseverd